Student Life
Students at SKD begin their day at 8:15 am when the entire community is called to prayer. Student leaders invite the school community to pray for all our special intentions and peace in our world. Throughout the day, teachers lead and guide students through engaging lessons and activities. In addition to the core curriculum, students participate in enrichment courses such as STEM, Computer Technology and Media, Art, Music and Theatre, Spanish as well as Physical Education. The Honors Math Program is open to eligible students beginning in the fifth grade. The Honors English Program is open eligible 8th grade students.
Our Catapult staff provides students specialized instruction when needed in reading, math and speech for students who qualify. In addition, our guidance counselor offers support services for students with individualized educational plans (IEP's), family related concerns, social development issues and physical challenges. Our Learning Support Program services students in grades K-8 with specific learning disabilities and diagnosis in the areas of English Language Arts and Mathematics. Our students benefit greatly in learning the necessary skills to integrate into their individual learning environments. Families are given the opportunity to provide their children faith-based education while adapting to their needs because of this newly established program. Students have numerous opportunities to explore and develop other interests and talents which broaden their academic, social, physical, spiritual and community outreach experiences. Students who have an aptitude for language arts can participate in the Reading Olympics (grades 5-8) Service Opportunities SKD offers opportunities for students to be involved in their parish, local, and global communities. Each class participates in a monthly service project. Each month, a dress down day is sponsored by a grade for a specific charity of their choice. Faith Life Most importantly, SKD provides opportunities for students to grow in faith. In addition to daily religious instruction, students attend Mass as a whole school community on every first Friday of the month. Students also lead special events such as the Rosary, Carol Night, Stations of the Cross, Passion Play, and May Procession. SKD prepares students for the sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion in grade 2 and Confirmation in grade 7. SKD only teaches the curriculum; parents are responsible to contact their home parish to register for reception of the sacraments. Click here for a detailed description of the elementary curriculum set by the Office of Catholic Education in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Saint Katharine Drexel Catholic School is accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools and our teachers are certified by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. |